This is probably a horrible idea and is a blog first for Who Burned My Toast, but with minutes to spare before the conference starts I am going to live blog the conference the best I can.
Prepare for misinformation and lots of horrible translations, since I don't know Japanese. So kick back and check up every so often to see how its going. Oh crap it's starting.
8:00 PM: Things start off with a skyward sword hi-res intro. Godd damn it someone needs to move the camera up. Half this carp is cut off! Hi-Res Cut scene and now Miyamoto is on stage with with sword and shield. Talking in Japanese.
8:04 PM: Four Swords Zelda, shows characters playing in all the different Zelda games in honor of Zeldas 25th. No release date given yet.
8:05 PM: Miyamoto is breaking out the wiimote with motion plus. Fears of E3 are running high. Will the demo go well this time? I don't think so. Don't do it Miyamoto San. Don't lose your honor! So far it looks like Miyamoto isn't playing at all just mimicing different cut scenes and explaining in hand gestures. Is this a good sign?
8:08 PM: They are showing all the gameplay elements possible with Wii motion plus... holy shit just saw link in a mine cart and catching butterflies! Lots of environments being shown.
8:10 PM: Epic boss battle with link flying around a giant bird-fish thing. Bosses are huge in this game.
8:11 PM: Game Montage for 3DS games, Tekken, RE Revelations, Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter shown!
8:14 PM: Wii game line up until the Wii dies in Japan. It's already dead here. Nothing new here so far.
8:16 PM: Showing sales chart for consoles.. snore. Comparing Male Vs Female. A Pink 3DS Shown! No second nub here. Ladies Nintendo has you covered.