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Play VVVVVV and tell us what you think.

How do you pronounce this? We have no idea.
VVVVVV is a 2D platformer built using flash by Terry Cavanagh. The main game-play hook of VVVVVV is that you can control gravity with a simple flip of a button. Once second you can be running across the floor and then next you will be running on the ceiling. Overall its a simple yet interesting design that makes up for some puzzle platforming goodness.

Now on the last episode of the podcast, Amado and I spent a good amount of time talking about the game and discussing the pro and cons its play control.

Amado reveled in the music and the gravity puzzling and found the game to be great fun. I on the other hand did not have the same experience and found that the controls ended up making the game more frustrating than it's worth. I must agree that the chiptune music is top notch and much love should be pushed towards the creator of the games soundtrack, Magnus.
Uh oh... Jersey Shore is on T.V.
So here is where you guys come in. We here at Who Burned My Toast want you guys to try out the demo and tell us what you think of the game and its play control. You can grab the demo for free online at or you can grab it on Steam for PC or Mac.

We want to know. Does the game make you want to punch babies or does it make you feel like your in 2D platforming heaven? And most of all tell us why.

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